S u c c e s s S t o r y
Cloud Datawarehouse to enable Analytics at scale
Cloud Datawarehouse to enable Analytics at scale
Migrate on-prem Data Warehouse to Cloud Data Warehouse for Advanced analytics at scale
The client is US-based and successfully doing beverage manufacturing. Client business covers the entire US
and uses a traditional Data warehouse built on SQL Server. This on-premises data warehouse is not scaled
so unable to large queries for reporting. Besides this, the business has to wait for a long to see the result of
visualization on PowerBI in an interactive way.
The Client is looking for a scaled cloud warehouse where different teams can interact with data irrespective of
data size and generates meaningful insight. To be a leader in the market Client is also interested in
enabling machine learning and data science on its data. All these requirements can't be fulfilled by on-premises
data warehouse so eventually cloud warehouse is the solution for these challenges.
Our Data wolves started by understanding the end goal of business and proposed Azure Synapse Analytics as
a solution for clients' challenges. The proposed solution was carefully presented after evaluating POC built on other
cloud platforms and selecting the cloud with minimum cost. Although the client's budget is not the limit, but meeting the client
the expectation with the minimum upfront cost is at the core of WOlf of Data.
Microsoft Azure DataFactory is the primary tool for creating and scheduling ELT jobs. Synapse opted as a platform
for building Cloud Warehouse as it is a fully managed service and easy to scale. Daily ELT jobs were scheduled to bring
data from on-prem sources and stored it incrementally. Continuous Integration and delivery of data was made sure by
Azure DevOps. The final solution fully meets the client's requirements and hence the client was fully satisfied.
We are just one email away. Tell us about your problem and we can build a customized solution according to your needs.